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Idriss TSAFACK, Ph.D. 



My name is Idriss TSAFACK, I am a Postdoctoral researcher in Econometrics and Machine learning in the Department of Economics at the University of California Irvine. I work with Professor Matthew Harding in the Deep Data Lab.


I graduated with a Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Montreal


My research interests rely on the intersection of Econometrics, Functional Data Analysis, Big Data Techniques, and Financial Markets. I also work on some health topics.

I also share content on my blog concerning machine learning, time series analysis, data science and data visualization using R, Python Power BI and others.

I am available for interviews and I will truly appreciate discussing with you on these related topics.

This website gives a quick overview of my research and my curriculum vitae.

Ph.D. Students Weekly Workshop
10 - 09 - 2019 to 20 - 04 2020
ASSA Conference - San Diego
January 2020


CEEE Conference - Toronto
December 2019
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